
Charlotte's web

Charlotte's web


Annotation on 2024-01-26T03:52:25.316

Its name is Wilbur,” she whispered to herself.

Annotation on 2024-01-30T04:18:02.966


Annotation on 2024-01-31T03:20:23.462

And when your stomach is empty and your mind is full, it’s always hard to sleep.

Annotation on 2024-02-01T03:11:06.673

“Attention, please!” he said in a loud, firm voice. “Will the party who addressed me at bedtime last night kindly make himself or herself known by giving an appropriate sign or signal!”

Annotation on 2024-02-01T03:14:58.326

Charlotte A. Cavatica. But just call me Charlotte.”

Annotation on 2024-02-02T03:58:13.252

I am sure,” she said, that every one of us here will be gratified to learn that after four weeks of unremitting effort and patience on the part of our friend the goose, she now has something to show for it. The goslings have arrived. May I offer my sincere congratulations!”

Annotation on 2024-02-03T04:09:52.190

. I know a good thing when I see it, and my web is a good thing. I stay put and wait for what comes. Gives me a chance to think.”

Annotation on 2024-02-03T04:14:50.216

Never hurry and never worry!

Annotation on 2024-02-04T03:38:21.481

Having promised Wilbur that she would save his life, she was determined to keep her promise. Charlotte was naturally patient.

Annotation on 2024-02-04T03:39:57.826

What are you thinking about, Charlotte? ” he asked. “I was just thinking,” said the spider, “that people are very gullible.” “What does ‘gullible’ mean?” “Easy to fool,” said Charlotte.

Annotation on 2024-02-08T19:23:14.724

She ascended slowly and returned to Wilbur’s pen. “He claims he’s a spring pig,” reported Charlotte, “and perhaps he is. One thing is certain, he has a most unattractive personality.

Annotation on 2024-02-08T19:23:57.525

. He’s going to be a hard pig to beat, though, Wilbur, on account of his size and weight. But with me helping you, it can be done.”

Annotation on 2024-02-10T03:47:24.475

Is it a plaything?” “Plaything? I should say not. It is my egg sac, my magnum opus.” “I don’t know what a magnum opus is,” said Wilbur. “That’s Latin,” explained Charlotte. “It means ‘great work.” This egg sac is my great work - the finest thing I have ever made.”

Annotation on 2024-02-11T03:30:23.686

You have been my friend,” replied Charlotte. That in itself is a tremendous thing. I wove my webs for you because I liked you. After all, what’s a life, anyway? We’re born, we live a little while, we die. A spider’s life can’t help being something of a mess, with all this trapping and eating flies. By helping you, perhaps I was trying to lift up my life a trifle. Heaven knows anyone’s life can stand a little of that.”

Annotation on 2024-02-12T04:28:31.790

owe my very life to her. She was brilliant, beautiful, and loyal to the end. I shall always treasure her memory. To you, her daughters, I pledge my friendship, forever and ever.