
American prometheus

American prometheus


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“One would listen patiently to an argument beginning, and finally Oppenheimer would summarize, and he would do it in such a way that there was no disagreement. It was a kind of magical trick that brought respect from all those people, some of them superiors in terms of their scientific record. . . .

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. Raised as a Quaker, Condon once told a friend, “I join every organization that seems to have noble goals. I don’t ask whether it contains Communists.”

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There was a rhythm now to his life: intense intellectual work, at times to the point of near exhaustion, followed by a month or more of renewal on horseback in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of New Mexico.

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different from any mental picture of how things should behave in the universe.”

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On this occasion he had had the opportunity to impress the one man who possessed the power to help him return the nuclear genie to the bottle—and he utterly failed to take advantage of the opportunity.

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. He had the extraordinary ability to speak in complete, grammatically correct English sentences, without notes, pausing on occasion, as if between paragraphs, to stutter his oddly lilting

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Pash had little patience for bureaucracy; he considered himself a man of action.

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The Hungarian-born mathematician John Von Neumann would later work for Oppenheimer on the Manhattan Project.

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. Over the next seven weeks, father and son were thoroughly briefed about “Tube Alloys”—the British code name for the bomb project.

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Exactly what each man said is lost to history; neither made contemporaneous notes of the conversation.

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That summer of 1928, Robert was also reading the 1922 novel The

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During the years 1936–39, the defense of the Spanish Republic was the cause célèbre in liberal circles everywhere. Over these years, some 2,800 Americans volunteered to fight the fascists by joining the communist-sponsored Abraham Lincoln Brigade. In

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“It was hard for people of that era to understand the paper because the things that were being smoked out of the mathematics were so

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He always looked at the person he was talking to; he always gave everything he could to the person he was talking to.”

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Unfortunately, Born tells me that he has the same difficulty about expressing himself clearly in writing which we observed at Harvard.

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One had intellectual indigestion most of the time that year,

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would like you to know that I and everybody who feels as I do are fully aware that you are fighting here our own fight. Somehow Fate has chosen you as the one who has to bear the heaviest load in this struggle. . . . Who else in this country could represent better than you the spirit and the philosophy of all that for which we are living. Please think of us when you are low. . . . I beg you to remain what you always have been, and things will end well.” It

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I do so want you to be able to enjoy life in its best and fullest sense, and you will help me take care of you? To take care of someone whom one really loves has an indescribable sweetness of which a whole lifetime cannot rob me. Good-night, dearest.” On

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I think this is the most extraordinary collection of talent, of human knowledge, that has ever been gathered together at the White House, with the possible exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone.

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, but lamented the fact that so many Americans were willing to sacrifice their civil liberties in the name of anticommunism. MacLeish

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The Oppenheimer hearing thus represented a significant step in the narrowing of the public forum during the early Cold War.

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Lewis, the difference between you and me is that you see everything as either black or white and to me everything looks gray.

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.” He rarely gave orders, and instead managed to communicate his desires, as the physicist Eugene Wigner recalled, “very easily and naturally, with just his eyes, his two hands, and a half-lighted pipe.

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I would accept a considerable amount of political immaturity in return for this rather esoteric, this rather indefinite, theoretical thinking that I believe we are going to be dependent on for the next generation.”

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. He is doubtless very gifted but completely without mental discipline. He’s outwardly very modest, but inwardly very arrogant.”

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. Once, when questioned about a particular equation on the blackboard, Oppenheimer replied, “No, not that one; the one underneath.” But when perplexed students pointed out that there was no equation underneath, Robert said, “Not below, underneath. I have written over it.” Glenn

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“He combines a penetrating insight of the theoretical aspects of the whole program with solid common sense, which sometimes in certain directions seems to be lacking. . . .

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, “he’d say ‘Gee’ and it was just lovely to hear him say ‘Gee.’

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He worked “fast and dirty, like the American way of building a machine.” In

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the context and the academic window dressing were clutter that disturbed his acute aesthetic sense.

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. The term ‘security risk’ is such a broad one that you can start out accusing a fellow of treason and end up by convicting him of fibbing,

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last. The bottom line is that Robert always wished to be, and was, free to think for himself and to make his own political choices.

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He [Oppenheimer] will no longer have access to secrets in government files, and government, presumably, will no longer have access to secrets that may be born in Oppenheimer’s brain.”

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, “We may be likened to two scorpions in a bottle, each capable of killing the other, but only at the risk of his own life.” It

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He christened it the Trimethy, a name derived from the chemical compound trimethylene dioxide.

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McKibbin and Oppenheimer were to become lifelong friends. Robert called her by her nickname, “Dink,” and quickly learned to rely on her good judgment and her ability to get things done.

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. The most relevant political fact about Robert Oppenheimer was that in the 1930s he was devoted to working for social and economic justice in America, and to achieve this goal he chose to stand with the left.

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Baudelaire’s Les fleurs du mal, and then came the Bhagavad-Gita . . . and last was Shakespeare’s Hamlet. IN

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by this spirited delivery that they began calling him “Opje”—an affectionate contraction of his last name—and he would bear the new nickname for